The Most Desirable Traits

Commercial banner specialists instantprint recently surveyed 2,000 office workers to find out what they consider the most desirable traits. According to the results, the most sought-after characteristic is patience, with 46% of workers naming it directly. This was followed very closely by good communication skills (45%). These traits are particularly important in team environments, where groups or departments have to work together to see a project through to the end. Patient colleagues make for reduced stress levels, while constructive communication enables people to more effectively manage their workload. The third most desirable workplace trait was problem-solving, which 43% of office workers believed to be important in a colleague. No matter how routine a given task might be, there is the possibility of something going wrong – and a team member who does not have the skills to resolve any issues that come their way becomes a burden on the rest. Strong problem solving can ensure a smooth workflow for a business – as can good organisational skills, which over a third (35%) of survey respondents felt was important.

The Least Desirable Traits

The instantprint survey also looked at the least desirable workplace traits. Topping the list with 34% was poor listening skills. Ineffective communication was pinpointed by 86% of employees and professionals in a separate study as the main cause for workplace failure – whether that results in a loss of sales, incomplete projects or even a decrease in office morale. The second and third least desirable workplace traits represent an individual attitude: one of misplaced superiority. Almost a third (32%) of respondents saw colleagues that dominated others in a negative light, while 28% denigrated a domineering approach in general. Also read: Trending Work Outfits for Women to Make an Impact

Could Horoscopes Play a Part?

The instantprint survey also looked at an unlikely method for understanding, justifying or even creating harmony in an office environment: horoscopes. Your star sign can define your personality, as well as help you identify those with which you work best – and, according to the same survey, nearly a fifth of respondents believe in the compatibility of star signs dictating workplace attitudes. As far as the practical applications of horoscope compatibility, pairing strengths with strengths is one useful way to go. Scorpios have a knack for organisation, making them a dream pair with the natural leader Capricorns. Libra represents the scales, and is excellent with diplomatic people management – making them a great fit for a team where strong personalities such as Leos and Aries are likely to clash.

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