About one in four Americans suffer from insomnia every year. Learning the best techniques that help you go to sleep is useful. You want to make sure they have scientific backing. In this insomnia guide, we give you 5 methods to help you get some well-deserved sleep. These sleeping tips will help you get the right amount of winks you need. Whether you use sleeping aid or proven insomnia remedies, we have the right technique.

1. Expose Yourself to Bright Natural Light

One of the things you can do to get more sleep is to expose yourself to more bright light during the day. You want as much bright natural light from the outdoors. What’s the science behind this? The body has an internal clock called the circadian rhythm. This clock handles everything in your body and adjusts everything. It can affect almost everything, from the brain, hormones, and even sleep cycles. If you’re trying to go to sleep, natural light during the day can keep your circadian rhythm healthy. This lets your body be energetic in the morning, which also means you’re more sleepy at nighttime. This can improve your sleep quality and duration of your sleep without any sleeping aid. For people with night shifts, expose yourself to bright indoor lights to keep the rhythm.

2. Keep a Proper Sleep Schedule

Humans are creatures of habit. The human body’s design is to endure repeated actions every day, meaning doing the same thing over time helps. This works the same for sleep. Stick to a schedule. This is apt instruction, as the body will learn how to sleep better over time. Train yourself to sleep by sticking to the same sleep and wake up time, you can reap more benefits. Here’s a good example: If you plan on waking up at 6 AM, you would want to be in bed by 10 PM at most. You would want to move in as early as 9 PM, use a sleeping aid, and give your body time to relax. Do so for two weeks straight and you should be able to follow this routine without feeling sluggish. One of the best sleeping tips is to train yourself to use the bed only for sleep. Set your gadgets and any device aside to prevent a shower of blue light, which can keep you awake. Read or drink some herbal tea to help start your sleep cycle.

3. Pick the Right Mattress and Pillows

For some people experience trouble sleeping, the problem could be with the mattress and pillows. You want to have the right combination of mattresses and pillows. Unknown to many, mattresses and pillows have a specific life expectancy. This is around 10 years.  After this time, the comfort quality of the bed and pillows wane. You will see noticeable bulges and weird bumps that may affect your sleep. If you’re finding it hard to sleep, try to look for different mattresses and pillows. Shop here and test different softness and firmness factors. See which one makes you comfy.

4. Live a Clean, Healthy Life

Like almost anything in life, living a clean, healthy life can help you get better sleep with higher durations.  Try to reduce or remove your vices. Cut down on your alcohol intake, smoking cigarettes, and you should exercise with regularity. Studies show that sleeping intoxicated can reduce the quality of your sleep. When you’re drunk, you don’t get to the REM stage of your sleep. This leads to a feeling of extreme exhaustion. Cigarettes and even some vapes have nicotine in them. Nicotine is a stimulant that increases your heart rate and alertness, so you feel more awake. Regular exercise can give you a proper, restful sleep as your body goes into recovery mode while dozing off.

5. Visit a Sleep Center

If everything does not work out for you, the best decision you can do is visit a sleep center. You can visit here if you want to look for the nearest sleep centers. These experts can help give you different sleeping tips customized for you. What do sleep centers do? Many sleep centers perform sleep studies, which are tests and experiments that diagnose sleep disorders. These studies deep dive into problems like sleep apnea, snoring, narcolepsy, and many more. With their expertise, they can try to find what is the right intervention for your needs. Almost all sleep studies are non-invasive, overnight examinations that allow doctors to observe you. This gives them an insight into what sleep aid they can provide you. Many of these studies happen in a relaxing, comfortable environment that can help induce proper sleep. As you sleep, there will be different machines and testing equipment that will strap on you. They will check aspects of your sleep, including sleep cycles, eye movement, and even oxygen levels. Once they get the data, this will go to a sleep technologist that will then undergo evaluation. The entire duration of the study may run up to two weeks total. After this time, you can get your results and find the right insomnia remedies for you.

Go to Sleep With This Insomnia Guide

If you want to go to sleep, there are many scientific and proven sleeping tips that can give you good rest.  From controlling your circadian rhythm to reducing your vices, everything you do in your life contributes to sleep. Do yourself a favor and live a good, clean life so you can get much of that relaxing sleep time. Looking for more health guides? Check out our other tips and tricks. We have many different guides that can help you feel like a brand new you.

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