An affiliate network is one of the ways that companies can achieve this. These networks usually consist of a group of businesses that offer related services or sell similar products. The simplest way to think of an affiliate network is like an aisle in a shop. When a consumer walks down it, they see multiple brands that specialize in one type of product. The aisle itself is where the companies can advertise their products or services, ultimately working together to draw in more customers. Consumers use affiliate networks more than they may realize. These networks enable people to interact with products from a variety of different brands. Businesses usually pay a subscription to be part of an affiliate network. Having access to these platforms allows them to participate in trade amongst a cohort of other businesses with the same target audience.

Difference Between an Affiliate Network and Affiliate Program

An affiliate network is not to be mistaken for an affiliate program, and although the differences are subtle, it is worth pointing them out. An affiliate program involves just two parties: the company producing the product or service (the merchant) and the marketer who will be promoting their products in return for a commission. There is no middle person involved to manage the affiliate partnership. An affiliate network involves multiple merchants and marketers. The provider of the network platform is an intermediary, bringing merchants and marketers together. In this case, the company advertising the network does not necessarily have to be part of the network, but a consumer purchases a product or service via an affiliate link, the company will likely receive a financial commission. In this article, we will discuss some of the most exciting affiliate networks around today. We will also cover why it is worthwhile using an affiliate network and what you should consider as a business before choosing one.

Why Use an Affiliate Network?

Most consumers do not stick to one brand or one product. They like to mix up what they purchase, trying out different products and services. This purchasing behavior is why affiliate networks can be a good way for businesses to earn extra profit.

1. Marketability

Being where all the top products advertise their services will help you understand how you can market yours. Marketability is difficult, particularly when you are not part of a network that attracts the best audience for your services or products. As a business, it is key to understand how other businesses market the same products you prioritize. Healthy competition ensures businesses keep expanding and working towards the creation of more appealing services.

2. Collaboration

Businesses don’t just compete, they rely upon cooperation. An affiliate network allows companies to incentivize each other’s products and services. For example, a consumer may purchase a product or subscribe to one type of service, and the affiliate network then offers something supplementary offered by another company. This type of cooperation allows businesses to capitalize on the same target audience. The commissions earned from purchases and the use of an affiliate network encourage all the businesses on a given platform to work together. Brand awareness, commerciality and purchasing power are all ways that businesses collaborate on an affiliate network.

3. Ease of Use

Setting up a platform where consumers can see and subscribe to any services or products you offer takes a lot of time, energy and money. An affiliate network already has these systems in place. Subscribing gives a business full access to tried and tested methods. In addition, once you are part of an affiliate network, it is not your responsibility to run all the updates and logistics necessary to keep the network running. When you are part of an affiliate network, you can solely concentrate on delivering the best possible products and services. Moreover, any concerns you have or problems that occur can be reported easily. An affiliate network is not just a great marketing opportunity but it is also extremely accessible for consumers and businesses.

4. Exposure

If you are a new brand or have launched a new service or product, it is difficult to get your name out there in a market already saturated with similar options. An affiliate network is a great way of exposing your offering to the established order. You will automatically gain access to the right target market, and you may even benefit from the collaborative services that an affiliate network offers. If you are struggling to gain exposure for your company, you can quickly increase this through an affiliate network.

5. Improvement

Observing how the bigger companies market their products and work collaboratively is a great way of improving your business model. Being part of an affiliate network gives you access to these insights. It also allows you to interact with the bigger companies, changing how you operate. How you adapt and regulate your business is often dependent upon what works. Being part of an affiliate network is a simple way of discovering successful approaches to business.

What to Consider When Choosing an Affiliate Network

What matters when it comes to choosing a network depends upon the affiliate network itself and what you prioritize as a merchant.

As a Merchant

Niche audience – Identifying who you appeal to most will help you choose an affiliate network. Ensure you choose a network that prioritizes your target market. Products and services – Think about how easy it will be listing the products and services you prioritize. If you come across a network that does not list what you specialize in, it is worth looking elsewhere. Existing clientele – Work out who already consumes your products and what their purchasing habits are. They may use specific affiliate networks. Size of business – What stage your business is at depends on how long you have been running it. Be honest with your prospects and identify an affiliate network that caters to your business size.

The Network

Support system – If you are new to affiliate networks, you may want to choose one that has good customer and user service options. In contrast, if you are experienced and just want to get on with marketing, you can look at networks with fewer tutorial options. The target audience – Identify who uses what network and what their purchasing patterns are. Like your niche audience, affiliate networks are built around specific clientele. Other vendors – Think about who is already part of the network and how they cooperate. Ask yourself how much you want to collaborate with other vendors and how much saturation the market can take. Commissions – How much you earn per sale on a network is a big factor in your choice. It is likely you want to choose a network for financial purposes, so think about what network offers you the greatest rewards. Reputation – The ratings of an affiliate network are essential to traffic and use. Do not choose a network with a poor reputation as it may damage your own. Links – Question how good the network’s links are with service providers and consumers. Good links mean good profits and high traffic to your business. Traffic – How many people are using a site can determine how much profit you can gain from being part of a network. However, it is more important to think of the target audience. Combine specifics with numbers to get the best results.

The network currently has over 1,000 active campaigns and at least 900 publishers working on marketing your products to the best of their potential. The network operates in a uniform manner and uses its reach across social media to attract consumers. Adservice has recently announced a product feed tool, meaning users can focus on specific products that bring them the most advertising potential.

In 2021 it was ranked as the fifth-best CPA affiliate and has over 100 employees working in a variety of areas. CrakRevenue aims to bring the best out of your company, whether boosting creativity or business intelligence. The company pays over $40 million in commission to affiliates each year, so there is the potential to make a good profit from this network.

With over 183 million buyers in 190 markets, becoming a merchant with the eBay Partner Network will grant you access to an exceptionally large audience. The partner network also provides an accessible platform where users can track how their adverts are doing and determine where they want their traffic driven. As a member, you will have a good level of control. This international program also has great tutorial guides with dedicated sections for beginners.

The network also offers weekly payments and commissions, so you will quickly receive any payments earned. It is a close-knit team, so you will be working with particular individuals. You will get to know who is helping you achieve as a business. The reviews at GuruMedia for its marketing campaigns are outstanding. There are countless five-star ratings and nothing but praise for how the network treats its clients.

The network specializes in five types of advert formats:

Push notifications Native ads In-page push Pop traffic Calendar notifications

Each style is tailored towards how you can market your products and services. The network also prioritizes fast payouts with $50 as the minimum. The use of PayPal and WebMoney means merchants can receive their commissions seamlessly. Campaigns can be run for as little as $50, so you can start driving traffic quickly with little money.

With an integrated academy and comprehensive guides, Webgains not only increases its clients’ potential but also educates them into being the best marketing merchants. The team at Webgains spends considerable time identifying the correct target markets so that your advertising efforts hit the right audience. The network also runs in over 150 countries and has a global approach to its marketing campaigns. Knowledge, exposure and how to use them together are the key reasons to join Webgains.

Users can earn up to 12% commission on each successful qualifying purchase. The program is easy to sign up to and help is offered at every corner. What’s more, the network teaches users how to make a profit easily through link-building tools.

The network also uses some great tools in order to create better lead generation and consumer interest. Newsletter subscriptions, call-center leads and brochure requests are some of the many ways Daisycon increases brand exposure. Some of the biggest corporations have used Daisycon to maximize their growth. These include T-Mobile, Ubisoft and Volkswagen. Recently the company has channeled its technology towards creating app installs. These attribution platforms ensure that Daisycon receives real-time data on which adverts are receiving the most attention. They are one of the most technologically savvy networks.

Think carefully about how you want your business to be perceived and who you want it to be associated with. Your image is important and an affiliate network can boost your brand’s potential. Finally, take the time to understand what you need from an affiliate network. It can be a big commitment, so do your research beforehand.