While most businesses offer on-the-job training for specific programs and tools that they use, they will expect a certain level of knowledge before hiring the candidate. Even those jobs that don’t seem very technical, such as entry-level administration and accounting roles, will still require computer skills. The good news is that there are many skills that are considered valuable to an employer and if you aren’t as clued up as you think you need to be, there are plenty of ways to expand your knowledge and improve your resume. Computer skills are needed in every job and industry, so now could be a great time to brush up on those skills. This article will highlight the best computer skills for any resume, why you should always put them on your resume, as well as job application tips that will be useful for applications in any industry.

What Are Computer Skills?

Computer skills are split into two categories:

Software; and Hardware

Software skills are those that require expertise in a specific program or tool. Hardware skills refer to the physical parts of the computer, such as setups, networks and connectivity, and configuring devices. For this article, we will focus on computer software skills as these are skills that many candidates have but often don’t realize just how important they can be on a resume.

Why Is It Important to Put Computer Skills on Your Resume?

Most industries, even those not directly involved in technology, will have some form of computer system. From order processing to administration, from marketing and sales to analytics, technology is used across most businesses. Even for jobs that do not require technical skills, it is still advisable to have some basic computer skills. You never know when they could be needed. Employers will also want to see if you have specific computer skills required for their industry. For example, some businesses will use different platforms to host their websites on, from WordPress to Squarespace, or even their own internal system. Even if you’re not familiar with their content management system (CMS), it is important to demonstrate that you would be able and willing to learn how to use it. Most tools and systems with the same theme are often not too dissimilar in their setup. If a job posting specifies the programs used in their company, it is vital to highlight these on a resume. It is even better to be able to demonstrate use of them on a particular project or job with a real-life scenario. This would also be asked at the interview stage, so it’s better to be prepared in advance. Even if you’ve only used the program for fun or outside of work, explain this in the skills section. Many young people now take online courses or teach themselves specific skills for certain programs, which is an admirable quality. Not only do they have the software skill, but it also shows dedication and a willingness to learn, which are strong personality skills for any role.

Top 50 Computer Skills to Put on a Resume

Fundamental Computer Skills

The basic computer skills are often taken for granted, but every industry still uses them. Many students are taught how to use Microsoft Office for schoolwork and, later in life, they often learn how to use Google Workspace and iWork. All programs are similar but have their own qualities. Most adults have a basic grasp of email, word documents, presentations and spreadsheets but there could be an opportunity to really hone your skills. Taking the time to enhance your knowledge could set you apart from other candidates. There are also certifications online that allow you to take a course in Microsoft Office, which would be an attribute on any resume. It is also worth remembering that not all businesses use Microsoft Office. Many companies now use Mac computers with the iWork system. While Microsoft Office programs can be installed on them, having the skills to use multiple operating systems is an even bigger bonus. Again, research online to see if there are any secret tricks for using these systems. With Google Drive being a free online option, consider becoming an expert with this service and follow online tutorials to get to grips with it.

SEO Computer Skills

Businesses are investing a lot of time and money into SEO so their websites and content rank highly on search engines. While some outsource this role, many companies find it valuable to have an employee working on SEO daily. Building an online presence is one of the key points to increasing revenue as a business and SEO is a vital tool to make this happen. Some content management systems come equipped with their own SEO tools, but the most popular tools are Google Analytics, SEMrush and Ahrefs. This trio of resources offer insights into everything to do with a company’s website: which pages and products are most popular, demographics of the business’s audience and what potential customers are searching for. This information is invaluable to a company as it grows its business and narrows down on its target market. It is necessary to collate SEO analytics often to keep the website optimized at all times. The easiest way to improve these skills is to use these tools directly. If you don’t have your own website, ask friends and family if you can set up one of these programs on their website and spend time learning about what each section means. These tools also offer tutorials and guides to using them.

Collaboration and Communication Computer Skills

With remote working now more popular than ever, communication and collaboration are perhaps even more important than they ever were previously. Colleagues need to be able to share information and ideas amongst themselves when ordinarily they would walk across an office. Communication computer skills cover being able to use video conferencing tools such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Skype, often in place of in-person meetings. With screen-sharing facilities and messaging features, it’s a new way of getting together to work on something. Collaboration computer skills involve using tools that don’t require a video conference feature, such as Trello, Notion, Asana, Monday and ClickUp. These tools have seen increased use since 2020 and are great for companies to maximize productivity and collaboration. Assigning tasks to specific team members, setting deadlines for projects and sharing files has never been easier. Many service provider businesses use project management tools, such as marketing agencies. There is also strong use by self-employed people, such as copywriters and virtual assistants, as they organize multiple clients and projects. For those companies that don’t use them, a candidate could suggest them, as the basic packages of these tools are free.

Social Media Computer Skills

For marketing and creative roles, social media computer skills are a necessity. However, it is not as easy as using these platforms for fun. From the websites themselves (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok), to the scheduling tools (Hootsuite, Planoly, Later) and those that require specialist knowledge (Pinterest, YouTube), there is a wide skill set to unpack. Running social media pages for businesses requires content planning, creating and scheduling. Within in-house junior marketing roles, you may be required to set up accounts, run them and engage with customers on the company’s behalf. You may also work alongside a graphic designer or videographer for quality graphics. If the role is within an agency, this could mean juggling social media on behalf of multiple businesses. This is where scheduling tools are vital. Although they’re a cost for a business, they allow the user to have multiple accounts and users, meaning you could collaborate with the company if it likes to produce its own content too. Social media computer skills are not the easiest to learn but with the help of technology, it’s becomming easier. Most businesses need a social media presence, but first need to determine where their core audience is and select just a couple of platforms to focus on. Pinterest and YouTube are two that require more work than others. Pinterest is primarily a search engine, which is perfect for homeware, clothing and lifestyle brands, and needs aesthetically-pleasing photos and graphics. Having a YouTube presence means developing video editing skills and creating quality content regularly.

Blog Computer Skills

With blog computer skills, not only could this be actual writing but also the technical and development side of blogging. From setting up websites and content management systems to the daily running of a website and blog, these skills are acquired through practice. WordPress is a popular website to start with as it is ready-made for blogs. Candidates could start a blog on something they enjoy or help friends and family with their websites. However, there is a difference between front-end and back-end developers. Those who are front-end developers focus on what the customer can see on the website, from layout to imagery and text. Back-end developers work on exactly that: the technical aspects of the website that the customer doesn’t see but that keep the website going. CSS and HTML are the coding used to make websites and integrate specific features. There are plenty of courses available to learn these skills but it’s definitely worth setting up a website to practice on first.

Design Computer Skills

Graphic design skills are incredibly important right now. With companies making the most of their websites and social media, there is a graphic designer making anything visual. Many graphic designers have a preferred program such as Adobe but there are websites like Canva that allow you to practice basic skills. Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign are the most popular programs for graphic designers because they are exactly the same across any operating system. They create and edit graphics and photos, create headers and banners for websites, and design leaflets and paper documents too. These creative skills require technical knowledge too but, with practice, many designers learn their favorite techniques and shortcuts when using the programs.

Enterprise Software Computer Skills

For those looking into sales and administrative roles, enterprise software computer skills will be an area that many are unfamiliar with. These are internal programs that integrate everything together, from customer details to human resources information. It is difficult to acquire these skills without using them directly in a company. However, recruiters for junior roles will expect knowledge of such programs rather than direct skills, so it is important to do research on whichever program the company states in a job description. Examples include Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoho and Microsoft Dynamics.

Accounting Computer Skills

As well as fundamental computer skills such as Word documents and emails, those in an office administration environment could also look towards learning accounting software basics. Tools such as QuickBooks, FreshBooks and Xero allow businesses to save money on hiring an accountant in-house or externally. Once set up, these tools simply require the data to be inputted and they do the work for you. Many administrative roles appreciate basic bookkeeping skills, meaning keeping track of any business income and expenses and recording them in a system. While spreadsheets are reasonable for those who are self-employed, larger businesses make use of accounting software to save them time and money. There are online courses that teach you how to use them, so it is worth researching if a job entails such knowledge.

Cloud Computing Skills (SaaS)

Cloud computing is an integration platform that incorporates everything across the business. This is often where all information for the business is stored, from payroll and accounting to marketing and email servers. Again, these systems tend to be unique to each company, whether they use a platform such as AWS, Google Cloud or CompTIA Cloud+, or they have an internal structure in place. Using the relevant system is a skill that, ideally, will need to be learned on the job as an employee gets to know the company better. Although there are online cloud computing courses that you can enrole in to become more of an expert.

Things to Know Before Applying

Research the industry fully – If you have your heart set on joining a particular industry or company, be thorough in your research before applying. Some companies may use specific external tools and programs whereas others may have in-house platforms. Read the job description carefully – Pick out key skills and personality traits required and make sure you have most of them already. Make sure to address them on your resume and covering letter too. Use the cover letter to explain – If you have specific qualifications perfect for a role, explain them in detail in your cover letter. Go through how you acquired the skill and how you applied it to previous job roles. Having the skills is great but if you have put them to use and can prove that, employers will gravitate towards that candidate more. Keep it relevant – If a skill is not relevant to the role, don’t include it on your resume. If it’s a highly technical job, include those qualifications and skills, rather than stating your proficiency in Microsoft Office and Google Workspace. Recruiters will automatically assume that a candidate applying for a specialist role would also have these skills. However, applying for a clerical or administration role would require these as the most important computer skills, along with accounting software and organizational knowledge. Show your enthusiasm – Even if you don’t have all of the skills required for a role, be as enthusiastic as you can on your application. While you may not be a fit for that particular role, many employers may have room for a more junior role to train you up.

It’s also good to improve your interview skills as you progress in your career, so the more applications you make and the more interviews you go to, the better you will become.

Final Thoughts

Whether you have the skills required for your dream role already or you’re just researching, there is nothing wrong with brushing up on them. Technology is constantly changing, and platforms and tools update frequently. New courses become available every year for generic skills and each platform often offers its own training videos and masterclasses. Computer skills are vital to any job role in 2023 and expect that to increase in the years to come. If a role requires the candidate to have a specific skill set, include these on your resume at the very beginning. If you haven’t been able to gain the experience, explain how you’ve taught yourself certain skills and that will set you apart from other potential employees. Cater your resume to each job and you’ll put yourself ahead of others.