They are based on scientific and psychological research making them reliable sources of information. However, the careers suggested are only suggestions. If none of the careers appeal to you, you do not have to pursue them. Some tests, such as the Myers-Briggs 16 personalities, delve into detail about your strengths, weaknesses, character and learning styles. These tests usually come with a fee but are useful if you need that information. The free tests offer less analysis but still provide viable career options. You can access these tests in several ways. Career departments and counselors will have a selection available for you to take on campus. Those that are certified may also offer you the full or paid versions. However, the best source is the internet. Any Google search will yield many results. Some will be imitations of bigger tests, others may be accredited. Before starting a test, check:

The creators, providers, or publishers for their legitimacy The validity of the test and the types of results it yields Any hidden costs – You do not want to take the test only to have to pay for the results

What Factors Do These Tests Take Into Account?

Depending on the test you take, you may be assessed on all or some of the following:

Motivations – What drives you to succeed? Money, reward, acknowledgment, etc? Interests – What are you passionate about, what are your hobbies? Values – Are you passionate about the environment, or do you respect honestly above all else? Strengths – What are you good at? Communicating, maths, writing, etc? Skills – Similar to strengths but more focused on practical work Working style – Do you like an open work environment, working by yourself, a structured environment, etc? Knowledge – What information do you possess, and which industries suit that knowledge? Personality traits – Are you an introvert or extrovert? Do you bring people together, or are you better suited to a small team? Emotional intelligence – Do you possess empathy? Are you good at reading people?

10 Best Free Career Aptitude and Career Assessment Tests

The difference with the Princeton Review test is that it uses phrases rather than pictures. For example, I would rather be an accountant or I would rather be a news producer. There are 24 questions altogether. Upon completion, you will receive a color based on your interests with a list of suitable careers.

The test consists of 15 questions and takes no more than 10 minutes to complete. Rather than ask the standard career-focused questions, 123Tests shows you 15 groups of four pictures. In each group, you need to identify the image you like doing the most and the one you like the least. Once completed, you receive a ’Holland Code’ result and a list of possible occupations. If you want to further assess yourself, 123Tests also offers work values, team roles and competency tests.

There are 64 questions. When you finish the test, you will receive a four-letter formula representing one of 16 personality types. The test results also yield:

Strengths that match your personality Careers and occupations that suit your personality Examples of educational institutions with the relevant degrees and training Communication and learning styles

If you so desire, you can also apply the results to the Jung Marriage Test to know what to look for in the long-term partner.

The test consists of seven skills. You need to set the slider to reflect how competent you are at that particular skill. Your results will suggest suitable careers and job titles.

It has 60 questions focused on interests and creates a profile of six tendencies:

Realistic Investigative Social Enterprising Conventional Artistic

This test focuses on activities such as ‘buying stocks’, ‘fitting bathrooms’ or ‘designing buildings’. In each tendency, you will find a selection of careers to match. The careers you like are then organized into zones representing their level of necessary preparation and education.

He also believed that those who work in an environment suited to their personality and where they can express their personality are more likely to succeed. The six types are:

Realistic Investigative Artistic Social Enterprising Convention

Your Holland Code is a combination of two or three of these. The test has 48 questions that ask you if you dislike, like or feel neutral about particular activities, such as fixing a dishwasher or teaching adults to read.

There are 60 statements, and you need to decide how much you agree with each statement. By the end of the test, you should know the working environments, careers and tasks that best align with you. The paid version, costing $29.95, consists of a 10-page report. Career Fitter was recently updated to include work from home careers and salaries.

It consists of 94 questions and takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. It asks you if you dislike, like or feel neutral about a task. The test is run by Truity, the same as the Holland Code test; therefore, the tests are very similar in format and question style. The free version results show a brief personality summary and suitable careers.

It takes up to 10 minutes to complete. Your results will suggest career clusters that suit the subjects you like. There are 16 career clusters and over 500 different careers. The clusters include:

Agriculture, food and natural resources Government and public administration Hospitality and tourism Manufacturing Transportation, distribution and logistics

There are 110 questions, and it takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. For each question, you have a pair of statements. You need to decide which statement you agree with the most. As with all the Truity tests, the free results yield a brief summary and matching careers, while the paid report offers further insight.

Career aptitude tests can help us narrow down our options and present us with careers not previously considered. These free tests are helpful if you want some clarity or a place to start. They are not definitive guides. The paid or full versions offer far more insight if you feel you need that information. Whether you opt for the free or paid version, these tests should be treated as guidelines. If your desired career does not show on your list, that does not mean you should not try and pursue it. While working in a field that suits your natural tendencies will make the work easier, having clear goals and a career plan will aid you in your success.