Its workforce stretches to over 150,000 employees working across a wide range of roles, including software development, sales, project management, cybersecurity and finance. Beyond working for an innovative organization that offers global career opportunities, as an employee of Fujitsu, you can expect an extensive two-year graduate program, a company culture that embraces diversity, and a great range of benefits and rewards. Not sure how to assess an employee benefits package? Then you might like to read How to Calculate the Value of Work Perks.

Fujitsu Graduate Scheme Opportunities

All new graduate employees enter the Fujitsu graduate program for the first two years of employment in the company. This is a modular development and training program that includes: Year one:

A pre-joining introduction to Fujitsu Induction session where you will discover more about the company, meet work colleagues and find out how your role fits into the organization Develop your resilience awareness through the use of the FLIP framework (focus, language, imagination and pattern-breaking) Find out more about the specific business area you will work within Learn how Fujitsu wins, delivers and retains business The personal impact module enables you to examine your values and beliefs, develop self-awareness and your personal brand and understand the needs of stakeholders The leadership in action module examines how you work in a team, as a leader and as a follower

Year two:

Using the Fujitsu design thinking methodology, you will be presented with customer problems, asked to reach a solution and present this solution to the customer The Launchpad module asks you to reflect on the skills you have developed through the graduate scheme and identify any gaps in your learning The Graduation module provides the opportunity to look back over your first two years with Fujitsu and celebrate both your own and your colleagues’ achievements

Graduate opportunities at Fujitsu are available in nine business areas. These are:


Acting as an ambassador for the company in this customer-facing role, you will be expected to encourage clients to embrace Fujitsu products and services and meet your personal sales targets.

Business Consultancy

In another customer-facing role, you will work with clients, advising them on the best way to use Fujitsu technology and services to improve their business and optimize their processes.


Working as a graduate in the cybersecurity section, you will generally work in a technical role, developing Fujitsu technology, or in a consultancy role advising clients on the use of Fujitsu cybersecurity products.

Business Management

As a service delivery manager, you will work with clients to make sure their requirements are fulfilled, be involved in both commercial and financial areas of the business, and monitor the delivery of services.

Software Development

You will be involved in developing software solutions for Fujitsu clients as part of a team of developers, covering areas such as cybersecurity, cloud and mobile. Are you considering this career path? You may be interested in reading Essential Skills for Developers.

Human Resources

Working in HR for Fujitsu, your first two years with the organization will allow you to touch on all areas of HR so that you may develop the specialist and operational expertise required to fulfill your role.

Project Management

When you enter the graduate scheme, you will first support senior project management colleagues before moving on to providing a project management service directly to Fujitsu clients, both internal and external.


As a finance graduate working in a professionally qualified team, you will be exposed to financial tasks such as quarterly forecasting, profit and loss statements, financial analysis and cost reduction to prepare you for a career in finance at Fujitsu.


Your role will involve you in the full life-cycle testing of Fujitsu applications and packages, drawing on your project management and software development skills.

Graduate Scheme Requirements

The exact requirements for entering the Fujitsu graduate scheme may vary depending on the specific role applied for. However, generally, you will be expected to have obtained an undergraduate degree within the last two years, or be approaching the close of an undergraduate degree, or have completed a postgraduate degree. You must also have permission to work in the country where the vacancy is located.

Advanced – Two years-long, working toward a level 3 apprenticeship Higher – Two years-long, working toward a level 4 apprenticeship Degree – Four years long, working towards completing level 4, 5 and 6 apprenticeships through a Fujitsu university partner

Eligibility for any of the above is reliant on high school education qualifications or the equivalent. You may also be expected to have been resident in the country you have applied to work in for a number of years. Each apprenticeship includes a similar modular program to the graduate scheme.

Fujitsu Graduate Application Process

Online Application

The Fujitsu graduate application process begins with an online application through the Fujitsu website in response to an advertised vacancy.


The next step is to take a situational judgment test where you will be faced with scenarios that you may be exposed to as a Fujitsu graduate and asked to respond. This is an untimed test. Next, you will face several more psychometric test questions which cover inductive, numerical and verbal reasoning. The test takes 30 minutes to complete and must be submitted within five days of receipt.

Video Interview

The next stage in the application process is a video interview. This stage presents you with several pre-recorded or written questions. In response, you will be asked to record your response to each question. Each question will state the time limit provided.

Assessment Center

After this, you will be asked to attend a virtual assessment center session. During the morning part of the session, you will face several tasks and meet several graduates whom Fujitsu already employs. Should you pass the assessment center tasks, you will be invited to a virtual interview in the afternoon. If you would like to hear more about what you may face, visit our Assessment Centres resource. Should your application, references, and screening checks prove successful, a formal offer of employment will be forwarded to you, and you can begin your career with Fujitsu. This is accompanied by a generous benefits package that includes annual leave, a company-wide bonus scheme and health insurance.

Key Tips for Getting Hired at Fujitsu

Preparation is key when facing any recruitment process, but especially when the process is as detailed as the one used by Fujitsu.

Do Your Research

Familiarity is your friend when approaching a job application. Be proactive and carry out extensive research into:

The job you are applying for – Skills and knowledge needed, the extent of the job now, and where that job may lead you within Fujitsu; for example, progressing into leadership or specialized role. Fujitsu itself – What the company does, where it is based, company culture and what significant initiatives Fujitsu is involved in. The Industry – What are the major and upcoming developments in information and communications technology, and how might this affect Fujitsu?

Researching a prospective employer, the job you are applying for and the industry that it operates in not only builds your own familiarity, it also marks you as a self-motivated individual who is fully aware of how the company fits into the global arena and is willing to take the initiative without direction.

Prepare Questions to Ask

Should you progress to the interview stage, take full advantage of this chance to showcase yourself by preparing questions to ask. This is not the time to ask about salary or benefits. Instead, your questions should remove the focus from you and demonstrate your interest in the industry and the company and your enthusiasm for working at Fujitsu. You might ask questions about the company culture, Fujitsu’s attitude to employee training and development or what challenges the company faces.

How to Prepare for the Assessments

You will face several assessments in the application process:

Situational judgment Inductive reasoning Numerical reasoning Verbal reasoning Video interview Virtual assessment center

As with any test, the best way to prepare is to use practice resources. Some of these online materials will be free, while others must be paid for:

JobTestPrep Assessment Day

Practice Your Responses to Interview Questions

Should you face an interview, you do not know precisely what will questions will be asked, but you can practice the method you use to provide your answers. The best way to formulate a response to a question is to use the STAR technique:

S – Find a situation that is relevant to the question asked T – Explain the task you were asked to carry out in the above situation A – Explain the action you took and the value you provided R – Describe the result and the part you played in reaching that result

Questions should always be answered in a way that demonstrates your suitability for the job you have applied for and employment with Fujitsu.

Check Your References

Make sure your references are up-to-date and relevant. You may wish to contact each individual to let them know about your application to Fujitsu and to inform them that they may be contacted. You might even like to discuss the role with them.

Prepare Yourself

Make sure you are your best self on the day of any of the assessments, be that the psychometric testing, video interview or virtual assessment center, by looking after your health and wellbeing. Make sure you eat a nutritionally balanced diet and drink enough water to stay hydrated. Get enough sleep, especially the night before any of the assessments or your interview. Keep your brain ticking over by using online puzzles. Get at least a little daily exercise.

Final Thoughts

The Fujitsu graduate scheme is an investment in the company’s graduate employees, helping to develop their career opportunities and value as part of the organization.