Its services include entertainment, advertising and technology. It is also the owner of the entertainment company WarnerMedia. However, its most significant asset, and what it is most famously known for, is its internet and cell phone service. As an employer, it offers:

Tuition assistance Health insurance Training programs Retirement plans Discounts Paid time off

It is committed to a diverse and inclusive workforce and has pledged to reduce emissions and become carbon neutral. 73% of employs state that AT&T is a great company to work for; in recent years, AT&T has won awards for:

Best Workplace for diversity Fortune best Big company to work for People companies that care

The majority of the workforce comprises of millennials and Gen X, and the company prides itself on recruiting the best graduates.

What Are the Career Opportunities at AT&T?

AT&T is a large company; therefore, there are many employment routes, including:

Internships and developmental programs – Depending on your graduate degree, many internship and developmental programs are available. They are all paid and vary in length from summer internships to rotations to project-based. Call center – Call center positions are available all across the country, with the primary job role being helping resolve customer issues and queries. You will be expected to help with tech support and product information. Corporate – Corporate roles cover various departments from Logistics to Communications to Environmental Health and Safety. Government support – These roles include cybersecurity and engineers and are available at over 1,200 government agencies. The primary focus here is innovation Retail – As a retail assistant, you are responsible for selling AT&T products to the public. You are the face of the brand and have the opportunity to work your way up through the company. Technician – AT&T technicians install the products into public, private and government places. They require specialized knowledge and the ability to share that information with those who need help. Technology – Innovation is the key to success. Those working in these roles are responsible for keeping AT&T a market leader and pioneering new technologies.

What Is the AT&T Application Process?

As with any large company that offers an excellent work-life balance and employee benefits there is a competitive and extensive recruitment process.

Step 1: Online Application

The online application is a typical application form that you would expect to see for any job application. It will ask you for your personal details, educational background and employment history (if you have one).

Step 2: Assessments

Assessments are increasingly becoming a recruitment norm as they help significantly reduce application numbers. They are designed to identify those with the exact skills that an employer is looking for. At AT&T, the assessments include, but are not limited to:

Customer service assessment test Oral proficiency interview Microsoft skills test Behavioral event interview Telephone ability battery test Call center audition Technical mechanical test

The tests you take will depend on the role you are applying for, and there are knowledge-specific tests for almost all of the job roles.

Step 3: Interviews

Interviews are conducted either in-person, over the phone or on a video call. For the first round of interviews, it is essential that you look the part so you make a great impression.

Step 4: Follow Up Interviews

Depending on the role and the quality of applicants, you may be asked back for a follow-up interview. This is nothing to be concerned or worried about as it generally means that they are considering you for the role.

Step 5: Conditional Offer

If you are successful, you will be given a conditional offer, subject to background checks.

Step 6: Background Checks

Assuming all the information you have provided is correct, a background check should be nothing to worry about. These checks might be more thorough for those applying for government positions than those applying for other positions.

What Is On the AT&T Assessment?

As mentioned, there are many AT&T assessments, all of which are designed to highlight the best candidates. For graduates and students, AT&T uses two tests:

The Hogan Assessment Leadership Intern Program (LIP)

The Hogan Assessment

The Hogan Assessment is a personality test that assesses your attitude, behavior and readiness for the role. There are three assessments at AT&T, all containing 200 questions and taking 15 to 20 minutes to complete.

The first measures your everyday workplace characteristics: how you interact with colleagues, how you approach tasks, etc. The second focuses on the behaviors and performance risks that cannot be seen in everyday life. The third identifies your motivations and drivers.

You can take this test on any laptop, computer or smartphone at a time and location of your choosing (within a set timeframe). The question format asks you to agree or disagree with a statement. For example:

  1. I never live up to my own performance expectations a) Agree b) Disagree c) Undecided
  2. I prefer people who play it safe rather than those who take calculated risks a) Agree b) Disagree c) Undecided
  3. I always like to make decisions a) Agree b) Disagree c) Undecided

The Leadership Intern Program

The Leadership Intern Program measures on-the-job behaviors around leadership and problem-solving. It consists of 181 statements and questions that you will need to solve or agree/disagree with. This test has a 60-minute time limit and will be completed at a testing center; the time and date will be assigned to you by a recruitment team member. The type of questions you can expect are:

  1. A good manager will always: a) Provide clear instructions and delegate according to skill b) Keep a close eye on all team members c) Follow company policies and procedures d) Treat everyone fairly
  2. By selling Item X for 10,youcanmakea10, you can make a 10,youcanmakea1 profit. If your team sells 500 units, how much profit do you make? a) 100_
    b) 500 c) 1,000
    d) _250
  3. My colleagues would say that I am highly focused on achieving my goals a) Strongly disagree b) Disagree c) Neither agree nor disagree d) Agree e) Strongly agree Some of the tests focus on behavior, some on your telephone ability, others on customer service. The tests can also vary depending on the location you are applying for. For a comprehensive list of all the call center-related assessments, the AT&T Study Guide page has useful PDFs.

Retail Tests

Retail applicants complete an:

Oral proficiency interview – A 20 to 30-minute telephone interview that assesses how well you understand and speak the language you are required to use in your role. Retail sales consultant virtual job tryout – It should take no more than 30 minutes to complete and consists of four sections. The first asks you to agree or disagree with a statement related to a sales scenario. The second is focused on your understanding of inventory and merchandise. Section three is your previous experience, and in the last section, you will answer questions about your preferred working environment.

Technician Tests

Technicians will have to complete assessments relating to their chosen fields, such as building, circuits and telephones, as well as general knowledge tests. There are 32 different tests altogether.

Sales Tests

For sales candidates, you will sit a selection of the following:

B2B sales role play assessment Business sales virtual job tryout Regional sales manager – MAR Regional sales manager – sales Technical sales assessment

How to Prepare For the AT&T Assessment

The best way to pass your AT&T assessments is to prepare:

Make use of practice test packs from companies like JobTestPrep to help familiarize yourself with the question types and format Practice in advance and do not wait until the last minute Complete as many different but related tests as you can find. Psychometric, personality and situational judgment tests are usually very similar in their questions. Make the time to complete as many as you can and until you feel comfortable Do not forget to take care of yourself by getting enough rest and eating/hydrating properly

Knowing this information will help you direct your answers and understand what AT&T is looking for in an employee. This information will also help you answer interview questions such as ‘Why do you want to work at AT&T?’.

Expect to Answer the Question ‘Why Should We Hire You?’

AT&T want confident and concise answers that show your knowledge of the company and its needs. Your answer should seek to align its company goals and values with your own. Essentially, AT&T should hire you because you are a perfect fit. Practice answering difficult and common questions before your interview so you will not be caught off guard when asked.

Show Your Interest and Enthusiasm for the Role

Using the job description, tell your recruiter what you are looking forward to doing and what skills/knowledge you are excited to learn.

Show What You Can Do for the Company

This can be demonstrated through words, but also your non-verbal actions. You might bring knowledge, but can you back that up by using confident gestures? Show your interviewers precisely who you are and what you can bring to the company. AT&T encourages employee growth; therefore, the recruiters will be encouraged to offer you the job if they can sense you are a leader. Be prepared to tell the interviewer about past experiences where you been successful and learned new things. There is something to be learned from every experience. Before the interview, think back through all of your experiences. Make a list of the successes you want to share and find the lessons on the occasions you failed or made mistakes. Knowing where you made a mistake, why and what you learned from it is a valuable skill as it demonstrates self-awareness and maturity.

For those without previous work experience, use your education and qualifications to demonstrate essential skills. Completing a degree while working part-time and taking part in an extra-curricular activity shows you have time-management skills, can multi-task, enjoy getting involved and are willing to work hard.

Prepare Questions

Prepare a selection of questions for the interviewer before attending the interview. They may answer most of them during your discussion but being prepared will remove that awkward moment when they ask you if you have anything to ask them, and your mind goes blank. Some good questions to ask are:

How are you adapting to new working norms post-COVID-19? Should another situation like the COVID-19 pandemic occur again, what procedures do you now have in place to reduce panic and uncertainty? How does AT&T value work-life balance and mental wellbeing?

These questions may seem forward, but remember, the interview process allows you to decide if the company is a good fit for you and your values. Working environments are changing, and you have to consider if those refusing to make the changes will be toxic.

Answer Honestly

Some of the assessments have so many questions because they are also assessing your consistency. They are trying to catch out those that may be lying or focusing their answers too much. Be truthful; if you do not pass the assessments, then you and AT&T is not a fit.

Follow Up Your Interview to Show Your Interest

After the interview, send a thank you email to your interviewers thanking them for their time. For graduates and students, AT&T specifically uses The Hogan Assessment and Leadership Intern Program (LIP) to assess candidates. The Hogan Assessment focuses on questions around your attitude, behavior and readiness for the role. LIP, on the other hand, is about on-the-job behaviors around leadership and problem-solving. You should practice the types of questions found on these tests in advance so that you get familiar with them. The first part asks you to agree or disagree with a statement related to a sales scenario you might face at AT&T. The second section is focused on your current understanding of inventory and merchandise. Section three goes into your previous experience, and in the final section, you will answer questions about your preferred working environment. You will need to focus and prepare thoroughly in advance. Research and practice are important. It can feel overwhelming, especially as there are many different stages and assessments, but going through this process will help you work out if AT&T is a good fit for you too. You will build confidence and speed the more tests you practice. Bear in mind that lots of tests are quite similar, so the more types you try out, the better your overall chances. There are practical elements to be aware of too – if you want to ace the tests you need to be well-rested and hydrated on the day. For graduates and students, AT&T uses The Hogan Assessment and Leadership Intern Program (LIP). For other roles, like those in call centers, there are specialized tests that focus on how you behave, around your telephone ability or on customer service. These can also vary depending on the location you are applying for. Similarly, retail applicants, technicians and sales candidates will have assessment tests that focus on their job-specific skills. For retail applicants, questions will look at your understanding of inventory and merchandise, amongst other things. For technicians, on the other hand, common questions will relate to their chosen fields, such as building, circuits and telephones, as well as general knowledge tests. You will need to research the types of questions that are typical for the job you are applying for – as it varies a lot from role to role. Students and graduates will want to focus on The Hogan Assessment and Leadership Intern Program when they practice. Those applying for other roles should look up practice packs that are specific to their area – look at the AT&T Study Guide page for help. Make the time to practice as many tests as you can as this will build your confidence and speed in answering. Each job at AT&T requires different skills and that’s why they use many assessment tests, all of which are designed to highlight the best candidates. The Hogan Assessment and Leadership Intern Program, for example, check your attitude, behavior and readiness for work as well as leadership and problem-solving skills. Call center and retail/sales tests check skills around telephone ability and customer service, as well as an understanding of inventory and merchandise. In contrast, technician tests are looking for specific technical skills. Begin your preparation before applying to ready yourself for any interviews and assessments. Take the time to understand the company, what they stand for and the role you will be expected to do. Remember, the recruitment process is also for you to see if AT&T is a match, and have confidence in yourself and your skills.