So, to avoid your website getting blacklisted, you must check for the spam score of your website frequently. Apart from that, the spam score also reflects the SERP ranking, while the Google bots don’t likely to crawl the spammy websites and the ones infected with malware activities.  So in the following piece, we will be discussing on how to reduce the spam score, and also how to shield your website from hackers and malware activities, and bringing it to achieve a satisfactory SEO score.

How to Reduce Spam Score?

Controlling the spam score of a website and making it rank on the top pages of organic search should be dealt with by the SEO experts. But, not all SEO specialists are proficient in handling cybersecurity issues. These spamming activities are a part falls under SEO as well as Cyber Security Management. Mostly the spam score increases due to several reasons, such as-

Reasons For Increase in Spam Score

Irrelevant Backlink Creations Allowing Backlinks From Spammy Websites Web Scraping Activities Content Stealing From Other Websites Invalid Clicks Negative Feedback of Visitors Huge Bounce Rates Publishing Violent Content

Measures to Take For Controlling Spam

You need to take a few measures to control the spam score of your website. They are not something like rocket science and can be taken care of easily.

Follow These to Avoid Spam

Allow Backlinks Only From High Authority Websites

Of course, to rank well in search engines and to achieve a high DA, you need relevant backlinks. Make sure they come from high authority websites.

Make Sure that the Web 2.0 Links Have Relevant Content

Some people think that generating ‘n’ number of backlinks from web 2.0 websites will boost the site. But, creating unnecessary web 2.0 links can instead harm your site, increasing the spam score.

Don’t Get Involved in Generating Automated Traffic to Your Site

It’s become a trend purchasing the bot traffic for websites. It’s true that they boost the website. But in the long run, in fact, it spams your site, and Google can easily catch it.

Maintain the CPC Terms and Conditions Well Intact 

Many site owners hire candidates to provide ad clicks on their website. Even their friends are sometimes involved in doing so. If this continues for some time, the site can get blacklisted.

Don’t Publish Content Which Includes Nudity, Violence, and Other Stuff 

Google considers the sites as spam sites, consists of nudity and other offensive content. So to be on the safer side, avoid those spammy activities.

Use Paid Like Moz, Alexa, Spyfoo to Check the Spam Score Regularly 

These paid tools provide such great relief. They can genuinely trace all sorts of spammy activities happening on your website.

How to Protect the Website From Malware Attacks?

There are a few types of web malware attacks that can create threats to your site. To name a few of them-

Spyware Adware Nagware Worms Trojans and more.

These viruses can certainly bring destruction to your website, and it might happen that your website gets banned even without any warnings by Google or any other search engines. So you need to be careful about certain security checks which completely stop such malware activities by the hackers. The dallas seo consultants can certainly assist you in this, and make your site regain its SERP once again if in case it is affected by any kind of severe spamming or malware activities.  

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