Now, normally, if you’re lost and in an Isar and you saw another Isar pass by, you could be pretty damn sure that you were near an Isar dealership, or the Isar factory, or the breakdown site of a transport truck with at least one other Isar on it. What’s strange about this frankly wonderfully-rendered image is the expression on the dude there. He looks so stiff, like he’s faking everything, and that rictus smile on his face seems to be hiding some sort of nervous secret. I don’t buy he’s really lost, or looking at that tiny map. At first it seems flirty, the way he’s locked eyes with the girl in the back, but what I really think is going on is that she’s clocked him as something that doesn’t fit, something not quite right, and hopefully she’s going to warn the driver to keep going, don’t stop, because that dude in the red Isar is creeping her out.

Will there be an Isar-on-Isar car chase? I hope so! I’d love to hear what these 30 air-cooled horse flat twins sound like when they get really wrung out, you know? As for the the man with the map, that guy fucks. He knows it, the ladies in the car know it, and once he is done pretending to be lost he is going to follow their car to a rest stop threesome. There is no other possible explanation for the way they are looking at each other. Tony? Tony is high as a damn giraffe. As “Carla Van Oven”, Seelers is assigned is to use her feminine charms to gain the confidence of XXXXX officers and gather information.”

The Strange Appeal Of The Lost Dude  Cold Start - 48The Strange Appeal Of The Lost Dude  Cold Start - 68