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To name only a few. Unsurprisingly, SharePoint is also Microsoft’s number 1 selling product. And why wouldn’t it be? SharePoint offers companies the ability to cut costs, share information easily, and communicate with various project teams without sacrificing time. Keep reading to learn more about the top 5 benefits of Microsoft SharePoint today! With SharePoint’s Central Administration Console, owners will be able to easily access management features, systems settings, perform backups and restorations, and manage security settings. This easy to access one-stop shop makes it easy to adjust settings, roles, permissions, and to upgrade the software if needed on the fly. This can be beneficial with new hires who won’t need to waste time waiting for roles and permissions to be granted by IT. Instead the department head, team lead, or supervisor would be able to grant permissions right away. SharePoint comes jam-packed with a plethora of tools and features to meet just about every need or project you might have. You can use SharePoint in your new hire process. The candidate’s information can be preloaded into a SharePoint file where it will travel virtually with the candidate through the hiring process. Once hired the file can be transferred to HR where it will be locked to everyone else but those who need permissions. SharePoint can also be used to schedule meetings, make announcements, and share other valuable information and files. Whatever your need, SharePoint can probably help. And if you’re not sure if SharePoint is right for you, contact a sharepoint specialists and receive a consultation. They will let you know if your business can make use of SharePoint or not. With the 2010 update to SharePoint users were granted the ability to protect the integrity of their data from unauthorized use. Owners were able to grant and change permissions to sites, lists, folders, documents, and web applications. Roles can also be created to ensure only those allowed access to certain data and information can gain access. In today’s world where technological advancements happen at an alarming rate, easy-to-use and user-friendly apps are coveted. Most business owners aren’t IT specialists nor have the time to become one to run their business. The same goes for SharePoint. Most business owners do not have time to become an expert nor wish to hire a sharepoint specialist. Luckily, SharePoint is easy-to-use. The interface is user-friendly allowing users to find everything they need right at their fingertips. But, while you may not want to hire a specialist now, you may want to later when you’ve outgrown your own ability or that of your in-house IT team. SharePoint is unparalleled when it comes to team collaboration. The top-rated collaboration program offers a variety of ways to connect employees like SharePoint social media, announcement lists, discussion boards, events lists, task-lists, meeting and document workspace sites, and versioning. Team members will be able to keep in touch not just about their work or taskers, but also on a social level. The social media features allow employees to stay in touch and stay up-to-date on how everyone is doing. It provides the feeling of break room chatter but online. This is a great tool for large remote teams who need to communicate a lot concerning projects and ideas but may also need a way to socialize.

Microsoft SharePoint and You

When it comes to team collaboration, the sharing of data, files, and ideas, and maintaining the integrity of your data it’s easy to see why Microsoft SharePoint is at the top of the list of choices. And why 75% of Fortune 500 companies employ its services. SharePoint is easy to use system allowing owners to create roles and permissions for data accessing. This allows only those who need to access certain data to be able to while locking everyone else out. Take your business to the next level and keep your employees connected in new and innovative ways with Microsoft SharePoint today!

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