When someone has suffered serious injuries as a result of another driver’s negligence, they may need help from an accident attorney. A simple consultation appointment can reveal information on the injured party’s rights and the laws that govern personal injuries in their state. Before signing any settlement agreement, it is wise to have an attorney review the offer. Once the settlement agreement has been signed, the injured party can no longer pursue the matter.

4 Factors to Consider Before Signing for Traffic Accident

Many insurance adjusters will attempt to rush the process of settlement. This is done in hopes the injured party will accept a low offer. The following should be considered before a person signs any settlement offer.

Know the Statute of Traffic Accident Limitations

Each state has its own statute of limitations for car accident claims. The average time a person is given to file a lawsuit is around two years, from the date of their accident. Some states are more generous than others, and it is important you know your state’s laws. Waiting too long to file a lawsuit could lead to you terminating your rights to compensation. Conclusion If you have suffered serious injuries in a car accident, there are certain rights afforded to you under the law. One of these rights is being able to seek fair compensation for your measurable damages. Seeking a consultation appointment with an attorney before signing is prudent. Gaining advice on the fairness of the settlement offer will allow you to make the right decision. A settlement release is legally binding and, once it is signed, you are signing away your rights to seek further compensation now or in the future. Be sure you are making the right decision by carefully reviewing the options and getting legal help before signing. Taking this time to review the documents and offer will help avoid making a decision you regret later.

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