The content you share on LinkedIn can be viewed by your potential customers, clients, and professional network. That over time, help you improve your personal brand or business.  But, to actually make the most out of your LinkedIn content strategy, posting regularly isn’t enough. You better know the right day or time to post. Indeed, there’s the time when you’re most likely to meet the target audience who is interested in your content.  For that purpose, we’re going to share when you should post on LinkedIn each day. 

What Is The Best Time To Post On LinkedIn 

Generally, the best time to post on LinkedIn is anywhere between 10 AM to 1 PM and that does not apply to every day of the week. So if you’re posting on LinkedIn every day, you should want to share your post at the given time.  For better info, these are some best and worst days:

The best days to post on LinkedIn: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday The worst days to post on LinkedIn: Sunday, Monday, Saturday

And, if you’re not posting every day, but on a set day, here is the day-wise best time to start posting to drive more results.


Most professionals prefer posting on Monday, but Monday is quite not the best day to post on any social media including, LinkedIn. But, there’s still the best time to post on Monday, when you get enough reach and post engagements:

10 AM – 12 PM 4 PM – 7 PM

Along with the best time, you also need the Trending LinkedIn hashtags lists for different topics.


As per your schedule, if you make one post on Tuesday and want to make it effective, this is the time you should consider. This is the ideal time to share your content on LinkedIn On Tuesday. 

9 AM – 12 PM 5 PM – 8 PM


Particularly, for LinkedIn, Wednesday is the best day to post. Whether you’re a business person or a company, you shouldn’t avoid sharing your content on this day. Even, it has a perfect time to post on LinkedIn, as per the reports.

12 PM – 2 PM 6 PM – 7 PM


After Wednesday, Thursday is the second-best day for sharing your content on LinkedIn. If you post twice a week on LinkedIn, make sure you share your post once on Thursday, as well. And, the best time to post on Thursday for LinkedIn is:

10 AM – 1 PM 4 PM – 6 PM

Also, check out this article about: Trending Tweets & Topics on Twitter


On Friday, when most professionals are waiting for the weekend or planning break already, you can get their attention at the mentioned time. On Friday, this is the time when you are most likely to get active interaction and engagement on your LinkedIn posts. Note these:

11 AM – 3 PM 6 PM – 8 PM


Well, weekends might not be the perfect time to post on LinkedIn, but you still leave any chance to reach your potential customers. When as per your weekly schedule you also have to post on Saturday, the posts shared in between these hours perform the best. 

9 AM – 11 AM 5 PM – 7 PM


Saturday could be better, but Sunday is certainly the worst time to post on LinkedIn. Still, if you see the bright side, by posting on Sunday you have a chance to connect with your audience even better with just informal posts. Plus, to share such posts these are the time you better consider:

11 AM – 1 PM 5 PM – 8 PM

Also read: What Is the Best Time to Post on Instagram?

How to find the best time to post on LinkedIn by yourself?

Well, we’ve already shared with you the ideal time to post your content on LinkedIn.  But, there are various factors to be considered before you follow the same. Such as your targeted audience, your country, time zone, type of industry you’re in, and so on.  That means you should post content at a time that suits your niche, precisely. If you’ve been posting on LinkedIn for a long time, you simply need to check the analytics it provides.  LinkedIn analytics have enough information and data for you to show when your audience interacts with your content the most. Following that also find out which day is the best when your posts get the most audience on average.  More, you can also take the help of some marketing tools to give you in-depth insights on this.  But, if you don’t have enough data to analyze, you can post on LinkedIn on an experimental basis.  Set a weekly or monthly content calendar and keep posting on set hours as we shared the best time to post on LinkedIn earlier. You can also follow your own schedule if you want to. Over the next week or month, change the time of posing on LinkedIn. Now, you have data from posting on two-time sets, check which gets you better results.  Also, keep experimenting until you get the best time to post on LinkedIn, for yourself.  There might be reports and stats showing whether the particular time is the best or not, but as a content creator, you should know how to use your available performance report to find the best time that works for you.

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