And if you don’t want this conversation to go any further, there are some bitter responses as well.  Agreed that our generation really has no time for formalities and politeness, they expect everything to be clear and straightforward from the very beginning. But, being impatient and rude is not a good choice either. Maybe that person is new to texting, or perhaps he is shy by nature.  If receiving a simple Hey text frustrates you, with some good and funny responses you can give the conversation some reason to go to any topic and make the conversation possible.

1. Reply with ‘Hey’ Back. 

That’s it, nothing extra. Nothing special. They say hey, and you reply with the same. It shows that you’re a calm and cool person who is easy to talk to and has no problem whether someone says hey or hello. 

2. “Hi” or “Hello”.

There is no need to think about what they’re up to or why they sent you the text. Just reply with a simple hi or hello. Showing that you’re available, they can begin talking to you after that. For extra, you can also add some good emojis showing your excitement or friendly nature. 

3. “Hey, How are you”

If they’re not saying anything, give them something extra to speak. This response is a good one allowing them to feel free and open up. Of course, it will again repeat the regular talk, but at least it gets the conversation started. 

4. “I’m listening, please go ahead.”

When texting your friends or someone you know well, this is the right response. It shows that you’re available and they can share something they want. It is simply a straight talk, cutting the formalities. 

5. “Hello, What’s up”

Whether it’s your cousin or friend from college, this is the perfect response to Hey. it carries the excitement you have, getting a text from them after a long time. Due to that, it certainly leads to a great conversation, probably rewinding the old memories. 

6. “Wow, that’s the most amazing thing I heard today.”

Quite a sarcastic response you can say, but this one is the best response to your bestie. After all, why should your best friend have to follow such formalities and politeness as if you two are meeting for the first time? 

7. “Oh, I was thinking of you.”

When you reply with this one, you’re making the person special by showing you take care of them. And this reply you can share with your friend or a crush, with whom you just started texting. 

8. “Finally, you texted.”

You have been waiting for them to make a move after sharing your contact number, and now they send you the first text. Show that you are happy that they texted you. It allows them to talk about something and make your conversation into an interesting talk. 

9. “What do you want?”

Such a direct and upfront reply to hey. Well, you also should know that sometimes, it might be taken as a rude response, but that’s how you feel right now. Not a good response, but you can use it in the case when you don’t want the other person to say anything further. Else, you can also ask some good questions as a perfect response to Hey. 

10. “How is your day going?”

You can reply with this one on a fresh new morning and when your day is also going great. This shows that you are in a good mood and can talk about anything to anyone. When you reply with such openness, you give the other person a chance to say something they feel afraid to say at first. 

11. “Can we talk tomorrow? Thanks.”

When you don’t feel right or that person has ignored you earlier, this response is you can use, instead of ignoring them back. It shows that you’re still mad at them for something. If not, then it could show that you’re not in a mood to discuss anything with anyone. 

12. “I will talk to you later.”

So you are a busy person and have no time for small talk or any talk from the same person. Or it could be that you’re in the office or in the meetings, showing them that you can’t talk or text them back. And if that person is understandable, they might feel as if you care for them and want to talk with you with full attention, but not right now. 

13. “Have a good day.”

Especially when you get a message from someone when you’re in a hurry or you’re busy somewhere like a night out with your friend, this is your appropriate reply to them. You have never ignored or rejected them on the first message, but you leave them with greetings that they never feel offended, hopefully. 

14. “Okay, Bye.”

If someone shares the first message with and when you’re replying with this one, you’re not presenting yourself as a serious person. But, if you want to get rid of someone who always replies with ‘Hey’ and nothing else, this is your perfect response. So that they never bother you again. 

15. “Hi, where have you been these days?”

When someone texts you after a long time or you never met them for a long time and when suddenly they approach you, this is how you can reply to their ‘Hey’. it shows that you still remember that person and want to know about them. This gives them chances to speak and can lead to some good conversation, thereafter.

16. “Oh, Hi. I almost forget about you.”

You two were texting and due to some important work, you leave the chat. And next time, when this person texts saying ‘Hey’, you can reply with this one. This person is there hoping to get a text back from you, but you were busy, so can’t text further. Or this is the right one to share when you ignore someone intentionally and they texted ‘hey’.

17. “Hi, where have you been so far?”

You get to meet this person or this person texted you after such a long time. You two never get a chance to meet each other. In such a situation, this response makes sense. It shows you really miss this person, but you get to see no news from them. Now they’re finally available, you express your excitement to talk.

18. “Hello there, what are you doing?”

When your conversation with someone ends with hi or hello, this could be a response to talk about something further. Every time this person says ‘hey’, you reply with ‘hi’ or some and there’s silence. Now you ask a question at least to give this person a topic to say something more.

How would you like to respond to Hey?

No matter how annoying it is to get another ‘Hey’ message, there’s no need to get it personal. Possibly that person wants to check whether you’re available to talk or not. Else, they might be hesitant, and this is only what they can reply with. In such a case you better reply with some supportive text to let them open up about what they want to say.  Be creative and positive with your responses whatever they are. Being rude and ignorant you’re not only killing their morals but also ruining your first impression. But, if you’re not in a mood to reply or bring this conversation any further, just not respond at all. That’s it.

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